Monday, December 29, 2008

sleep in heavenly peace

it's been a long and busy month. that's the only way it can be explained, i think. for the first time in a really long time, school kicked the shit out of me and i did not come out unscathed. if you looked at my grades, you might not believe it but i struggled. i did get a 20-page thesis paper out of it ("What have we done between us?" Guilt, Innocence, Musical and Sexual Violence in Britten's The Rape of Lucretia and The Turn of the Screw) but that's slim pickings...

so for the past week i have been doing nothing but sleeping. had a great christmas with the fam, enjoying the beautiful weather in raleigh but mainly sleeping. sleeping for the reasons above but also because my problems have not really gone away. i lost my job last week which is financially crushing, i'm trying to make the transition if having a new roommate and i still have so much school stuff left to take care of. yes, not the most carefree break in the world.

i have much hope for the new year. 2008 by all accounts has been awful. so 2009 can only go up, right? i mean, my recital, my friends' graduation, the finishing of the academic part of my degrees and beginning of my thesis and obama! looks good from here. happy new year, mes amis!

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