completely off topic --- as i was typing the previous entry, i turned to cnn to hear about saddam hussein's execution. they are waiting for pictures and video. there is now celebratory gunfire in baghdad as it approaches 7 am. and i wonder, was it all worth it? because i feel empty, almost hardened by it. i'm not sure exactly what it accomplishes. it's like that moment in the miniseries
band of brothers, when they find out that hitler has killed himself. it brings no lasting pleasure when a man like that dies. for me, it's a reminder of what we as humans will allow. somehow, in some way, these people gain power and the control to change millions of lives. and now we are being asked to put our support behind a war that was too little, too late. we, meaning the people who unfortunately run our governments, let these things occur for whatever reason. and it is only now that the people who really matter, you and i, have to do our civic duty to never let these things happen again. and i would like to have hope. but people like hussein only make me wonder.
for those people whose lives were affected by this madman, you are justified in your feelings. no one can take those things away from you. as an outsider, i don't know what i'm expected to feel but i don't think it's this.