Tuesday, December 15, 2009

end of the year wrap-up

yes, i understand, it's not the end of 2009. this is more of an end of school wrap up as tuesday was the last day of classes. so here we go:

  • i need to understand and just believe that i am smart. i know that the application process is daunting but for god's sake, i'd like to think that someone would have stopped me if they thought i couldn't handle it.
  • there are always new friends. and those new friends are great. thank you, new friends, for keeping me *moderately* sane.
  • all that practicing really pays off.
  • "ego" ≠ "competitiveness" (nor should it have to)
  • though the musicology department at peabody drives me literally insane, i love them. they have shown me that they have my back & care about my growth and development as a musicologist and a scholar. so i'll forgive them when they get me lost or make jokes about me to my face...
  • even if it's as bad as you thought it might be, it's not that bad.
  • family can suck & family can be awesome. it's a tossup.
  • this was the best summer of my life. also, AMS Philly was quite possibly the most hilarious four days i've had in a LONG time.
  • i will be a good teacher.
  • if i'm ignoring you, don't take it personally. that means i can't afford to have the drama that follows you in my life. i'm busy.
so i can relax a little bit, three out of six grad school apps are turned in. i'm hoping i'll be so busy with teaching, trying to find a job and writing my thesis that i'll completely forget about waiting to hear back. one can only hope. this has been a tough semester but something is different. i feel different. and i like it.

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