there are upsides to having OCD. okay, maybe not. but one of my most harmless and most fun obsessions are organizational things through the way of technology. school does not start for another month and yet, i'm up till 3 in the morning finding new things to put on my baby (PowerBook G4 Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4 512 MB) to make learning easy.
so a couple of the new faves:
Schoolhouse: an assignment manager with GPA calculator and customizable charts with a beautiful interface (i'm all about a beautiful interface)
gDisk: this has so much potential (for some reason, i can't figure parts of it out) but if you have a gmail account you can use it as a hard drive and store files there. for someone who uses multiple computers that are not mine (that's right, work computer and ACSM media lab --- i'm talking to you), it's great.
there are others, but i'm not going to bore you. onto the screenshots!
here's the dirty:

"somatic by david lanham; programs on screen: Finder,
MacFun Sudoku widget,
Adium; dock (from l to r): finder, dashboard, system pref,
stattoo, mail, adium,
firefox, gDisk, iTunes, quicktime,
acquisition, iCal, schoolhouse, microsoft word,
snap n' drag, preview; menubar (from l to r):
virtuedesktops, adium,
quicksilver, bluetooth]
and the clean:

[desktop picture:
lacoste stripes by black diamond studio]
well that's my nerdy post for the day. i'm sure there will be more. ;)
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